If you give up your life - or any part of it - for the sake of Christ, He always finds ways to give it back to you.

"...I have come that they might have life, and that they have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kayaking Lake Bailey

Lake Bailey is a small lake by the campground at Petit Jean State Park in Arkansas. No swimming, but perfect for fishing or kayaking. This morning I putzed around the west end of the lake for an hour or so.
Past the boathouse where canoes and small jon boats can be rented.
Past the fishing pier.
Past the picnic area.
Past the entrance to Cedar Creek.
And into the lily pads of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The only bloom I saw.
Bloom and seed pod.
Seed pod and butterfly on the button bush.
Past the buzzard roost.
They seem to have their eyes on me.
Oh my!
Moving right along.
Sun reflecting off the lily pads.
Great Blue Heron walking on the lily pads.
He's watching me too.

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