If you give up your life - or any part of it - for the sake of Christ, He always finds ways to give it back to you.

"...I have come that they might have life, and that they have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Seasons in the Sun

Wasn't that a song? "We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun..." Yes it was a sad song, I remember. But people sometimes ask if there are seasonal changes in Florida, and the answer is yes! Ev and I kayaked the Silver River today, and it seemed that everything came out to celebrate the season. Ev has her camera ready, do you?
Asters are blooming all along the river.
This female anhinga wore her finest feathers for the party.
The trees displayed their colors.
More aster reflections.
Red berries were a festive touch.
We're almost ready...just a few more feathers to preen.
The Moorhens came too.
And the Great Egret was there.
The Pileated Woodpecker brought some Rat-a-tat-tat
Wait for me, I'm coming!
You're apt to see most anything on the river.
Colorful riverbanks
Next year's Apple Snails
Just some interesting roots
I'm waiting for the sun to come out...
The Black-crowned Night Heron stayed awake for the party.
More decorations
Lets see if I get this right. At first I thought it was a juvenile Green Heron, but my final answer is a juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron. How'd I do, Birdie?
Admiring the colorful decorations..
Spider Lily with Damselfly
Mr. & Mrs. Wood Duck were there.
An abundance of asters.
Cypress knees and fallen leaves
Hmrmph, the sun isn't out yet
Silver Springs Attraction is closed today...all is quiet.
The Cormorant is sprucing up.
The Great Blue Herons will be there too.
Really big catfish are coming.
It's fall
The Spotted Gar are lining up.
All's quiet at the Main Spring, but look...the sun came out!
Little Blue was there.
Ah, the sun is warm...
But it doesn't say, no partying, does it?
The Glass Bottom boats are idle.
We can check them out up close.
And spend time exploring the spring.
They're stringing the trees with lights...getting ready for the start of another season...Christmas, and Light Up the Springs!
Oh, did I mention the sun came out?
The Ibis Clan arrived.
I'm coming!
Me too!
We'll all be there!
Drifting down the river...
It's fall
Staging many critters can you find?
Nothing but blue skies...
When the sun comes out, the reptiles follow.
I'm ready now, aren't I beautiful?
Look out below.
Is the party over?
Aw...mother's love
Let the good times roll!
The gang's all here!
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun...
Come back again, we'll be waiting.
Wait, I'm coming!

Drat...too late!


  1. Liz, such great photos and you are right on the birds. Great time had by all, again, and again.

    Thanks for the tour and I am looking forward to getting down there.


  2. so enjoyed the trip would love to canoe down that river...
    thanks for the pictures
